Friday, August 24, 2007

Matthew Scully Joins Team Thompson

Michael Shear has the scoop:

Thompson spokeswoman Linda Rozett confirmed Thursday that Scully has joined Team Thompson, but wouldn't say what, specifically, he is doing for the non-campaign. . . .

Word on the street is that Scully is busy writing Thompson's announcement speech.

Related: "Scully, Gerson and McConnell."


Anonymous said:

Matthew Scully is one to talk. A tidbit for you. There was a dog catcher in Arizona who wasn't doing too well. He met Scully who offered to make him a NoKill star. Scully is a paid hack. He asks people for money to write positive misleading "editorial" articles about them then he gets them in big newspapers and magazines.

"This is how Boks gets journalists to write positive articles about him. He pays for it, or more specifically, he asks people like me for the money to pay for it. I said I wouldn't pay for it but I'd write it myself. Then I suggested he just do an oped piece himself for the Times, which he did. Is it normal to pay journalists to write positive articles about you as editorials?

In a message dated 6/3/2006 6:48:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

The New Yorker is asking about doing a story on me but they said it could take weeks or even months.
Matthew Scully said he'd do an article but that he needs to get his regular fee as a Washington columnist. $5K. Bit out of the question I think. Maybe I'll approach him again.

In a message dated 6/4/2006 9:25:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
My concern is "who" the article comes from. Someone like a Matthew Scully can easily get 1500 words in the LA Times. I'm scheduled to talk to him on Monday. If he is willing to edit and submit it under his name